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houston events calendar: august 31 – september 7, 2015

2015 August 30
by dena

houston events calendar 8 31 9 7 2015there are so many exciting things happening this week. and what the heck new friends in my life! if i danced with you + introduced you to tout suite lets go dancing again // if you’re an old middle school friend – so glad we ran into each other twice in two days // if you’re my black hole sunday night buddy yay for all the hanging out we did this past weekend // if i saw your comedy show the other night. it laughed so hard and am so glad i went // if you go to barbs with me on the reg please oh please lets go again soon // if you were out of town last weekend and are leaving again in a few days – lets have blue bell at your place this week // if i met you on the blue sofa facing south, submit another story to grown up storytime so i can hear it // if you’re the dreamboat i met while traveling thanks for the out of the blue text, really made me day! // if you mean so SO much to me let me stay in your life!

blah blah. labor day weekend EVENTS TIME:

monday august 31, 2015:


tuesday september 1, 2015:

wednesday september 2, 2015:

thursday september 3, 2015:

friday september 4, 2015

saturday september 5, 2015:

sunday september 6, 2015:

monday september 7, 2015:

on going events this week:

as always, please email me // leave a comment if you have another event you want me to post. i’d love to hear about anything i may have missed!


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