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KALI: a pre-valentines day performance art adventure

2012 February 15
by dena

This past weekend my BF and i drove south on 45 to what i consider one of Houston’s most obscure and whacky places inside the 610 loop, The Orange Show. (you can visit there website HERE) The evening’s show was entitled: KALI a pre-valentines day performance art adventure, and let me assure you, it was all of that and more! The evening was performed by and benefiting Continuum, a local Houston performance art group (check out there blog HERE).

The BF and i have recently gained the friendship of one of Continuum’s members: Sway Youngston. (check her out in motion HERE) We have seen her around town on numerous occasions but had yet to experience her “performing”.

The weather was miserable, literally almost freezing, but once the show started we forgot all about that and for the next 3 hours had our eyes glued to the stage as the Continuum members did their thing. Let me add that wearing lots of layers and having a stashed blanket in my truck helped a little too.

The show evening consisted of 17 performance and interactive pieces, and well, i’ll let you see the rest in photographs.

Many thanks to all the artists who put this show on, it was a mega success!

Feel free to ask any questions or post a performance art experience of your own.


8 Responses leave one →
  1. Sway permalink
    February 15, 2012

    Dena, we were SO HAPPY to have you and the BF there. What a strong presence you have, just as yourselves. It’s an honor to perform for you. Thank you for the write up and photos. Can’t wait to dinner date soon! -Sway-

  2. February 16, 2012

    we had been looking forward to this event from the very first FB invitation. literally counting down the days until the show. and dinner date soon, YES PLEASE !

    • February 17, 2012

      Thank you so much for being there and for the great write-up. Can’t wait for dinner!!–David

  3. February 16, 2012

    you always do fun things! We blogged the Wild west night! BOOOOYAH!

    • February 17, 2012

      ya girl, thanks for all the sweet pictures of us on the dance floor. lets make plans to go back again soon !

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  1. Houston Events: weekly calendar june 25 – july 1 2012 « Pancho and Leftey
  2. night of continuum performance art « Pancho and Leftey
  3. houston’s downtown tunnels -meet- performance art « Pancho and Leftey

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