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Houston Events: weekly calendar june18- 24 2012

2012 June 18

so, here’s pancho + leftey’s (well mostly pancho’s) calendar of houston events for the week of june 18-24, 2012. highlights of the week include wednesday june 20th a.k.a. THE SUMMER SOLSTICE which is being celebrated all over houston and of course the -LGBT-Pride-Parade this saturday. mak and i are going to Bremond,Tx for the Polish Pickle Festival this weekend and will be missing all friday//saturday//sunday events here in houston – BUT will be reporting back from the polish pickle 5k and street dance! have a great week taking advantage of at least a few of these local events fellow houstonians. and as always, feel free to “leave a comment” about any other events coming up this week. WE LOVE HOUSTON.

monday june 18, 2012

tuesday june 19, 2012

wednesday june 20, 2012

thursday june 21, 2012

friday june 22, 2012

  • dock dogs. discovery green. (friday//saturday//sunday) 9am. FREE
  • Art Opening Reception: Sizzle! Hot Wax Prints by Paula Roland. anya tish gallery. 6pm. FREE
  • Houston Food Not Bombs. in front of the downtown public library. 8pm. bring a vegetarian/vegan dish to share or just come help out. FREE
  • Rainbow on the Green. discovery green. 8pm. FREE
  • Frenetic After Dark Kickoff “Queer Dance Party” Event. frenetic theatre. 8pm-1am. $10 (free beer)

saturday june 23, 2012 (sorry, wrong date in the picture. how the heck did that happen?)

sunday june 24, 2012


3 Responses leave one →
  1. June 18, 2012

    WOW 108 sun salutations? That would be a challenge.

  2. June 20, 2012

    Ms. YET is performing friday night at the new Aladdin’s on Memorial Dr. 9pm-2am

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