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once there was, once there wasn’t: an art opening recap

2012 July 31
by dena

coming back to houston last thursday night i was hit smack in the face with a weekend full of exciting events – which completely nixed any thought in my head that maybe traveling abroad was the place to be and that houston wasn’t as cool as i used to think. yep, this weekend totally blew that lame idea out of the water. one of the events i’m refering to was the 2nd of 3 openings of Lisa Chow and Y.E. Torres’: once there was, once there wasn’t.

i missed the first opening but from what i gathered it was mostly “lisa”, whereas this middle one was a perfect mix and the last will be completly “Y. E. Torres”. this show is: traditional gallery show meets installation splattered with performance art. along with glitter and mimosas – so it was pretty much the best show ever.

jo bird played some melodies while real and “real” rabbits and unicorns enjoyed our company.

this picture was not at all what it was supposed to be, thanks a lot Cheeseman !!!

here is a pixel party photo booth picture of myself, david, mike, and Y.E. Torres. you know, just wearing rabbit masks and having some fun. everyone show mark their calendars for the show’s closing on saturday august 18th at spacetaker it is supposedly “adults only” which is another way of saying totallyawesomeyoushouldreallyreallybethere because you know i’ll be.


4 Responses leave one →
  1. July 31, 2012

    Thanks for coming out Dena!!! =D Stay in Houston! We need you!

  2. July 31, 2012

    FUCK YEAH! xo – YET

  3. Anonymous permalink
    August 6, 2012

    Bunnies love you.

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