london fashion
i love big cities. i love people watching. i love stylish outfits. and i love taking pictures. so taking “street photography” while traveling is pretty much my favorite thing ever. i began experimenting with street photography during my first trip to NYC the summer before my freshman year of high school and have not gotten bored of it yet – in fact i’ve become obsessed. there wasn’t a minute in london i didn’t have my Nikon around my neck. AND i’ve even gotten pretty darn good at knowing my cameras lens zoom capacity just by looking down at it and can take “blind” picks while walking down the street. most result in chopped off heads or feet (random fact: i can’t stand pictures in which a persons feet are cut off) but every now and then i can get a pretty sweet composition. SO here are a few, it was oh so hard to sort through the 100s i took – but here are 12 of the best. justmighthavetopostmorelater … there are just SO many happy accidents i want to share.