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houston events calendar: october 8-14, 2012

2012 October 9
by dena

whale, here it is, another LATE houston events calendar from Pancho and Leftey (except it’s really all pancho’s doing) all i can say is that when you’re really into your bff and your bf sometimes your blog takes the neglect. poor blog. this week on the other hand is as exciting and jam packed as ever. i’m maybe moving into my co-op house whoop-whoop not to mention my parents are out of town so free food and internet. there are lots of weirdrandomcool houston things like the architecture tours the houston community coalition and the cemetery cleanup and umm am i forgetting anything. oh ya. its freakin COUNTER CRAWL 666 and i c a n n o t w a i t f o r i t. i a m s o f r e a k i n e x c i t e d !!! s e e y o u A L L t h e r e f o r s u r e.


monday october 8, 2012

tuesday october 9, 2012

wednesday october 10, 2012

thursday october 11, 2012

friday october 12, 2012

saturday october 13, 2o12

sunday october 14, 2012

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