counter crawl 666
HELLO FRIENDS IT IS I, MAK HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT EVERYONE’S FAVORITE INTERACTIVE ART EVENT, Counter Crawl! It was this weekend. It was fun and relaxing. It involved bikes, art, friends, music, and that’s about all.
This first picture is of me, Scott, Pravin and Tony being “TOTALLY NORMAL GUYS.” I was making Scott practice different “normal” poses (which weren’t actually normal [thatsthejoke.jpg]) and he invented the pose you see him doing above which is crouching and leaning back. Tony is supposed to be imitating and Pravin is making up his own normal pose. I don’t really know what my pose is. I don’t think I knew I was in the photo.
The first event was at Caroline Collective which is a cool art space + co-working space + all around neato community place. We’ve been to quite a few events here at Caroline Collective. The first act was Evan, one of Dena’s HausMates.
Next up is Jared climbing up on the zebra. Whatcha doing up there goofy? I’m not sure you’re supposed to be doing that…
Here is the inside of the art space which was exhibiting the vinyl show. A bunch of folks did pieces revolving around vinyl: painted vinyl, a turntable covered in sand, a room with four different speakers each connected to a different album, and a ‘make-out’ room which was a semi-dark room with a projector that interacted with the record being played. The records were all pretty schmoopy, to fit the theme of the room.
Scott, I am totally stealing your loafer style. I need to break mine out and start doing the dress sock look. Can I borrow some socks? PS Don’t my new boots look rad with those socks? #toocoolforschool2012
Okay. This photo should tell you something about Scott. AKA HE IS SO GOOFY. He’s posing on the chair. Check out Dena and her BF big cheesin’. Scott is quickly climbing the ranks of my top favorite people so yep (DENA CONCURS). We also invented a really cool game called “123” and it has no point.
Second Stop (for us at least…we missed the others): Empty Lot! Yep. The next stop was in an empty lot. Another Haus mate! This is right after I gave him the rest of my coconut juice which was tasty at first but not so good as it went on. Chris is also a pretty cool dude. You’re looking pretty statuesque in this photo.
Mike, again. Also this band played.
Uhm…a lot of people climbed on things they shouldn’t climb on. Ugh.
Saray! She has a cool vintage store called Yoko Vintage. Girl, those brown ankle boots for sale in your store are dreamy. Too bad they’re not my size.
People doing yoga, people hoola hooping, people biking.
Really cool shot #3… Geez louise Scott, these pictures are so good. Why don’t you just take over our blog??
Roll out time! There were more events to follow including a cool piece where paint was poured over an amplifier and the frequencies made cool patterns, a body music performance where the performer used his body rhythmically, some barbeque provided by travis, and a celebration of juicing in which perfectly sane, grown up people stood around and watched with eagerness as a bunch of fresh veggies were juiced. yep.
what wait where are the rest of the pictures? you didn’t stay for the whole ride? :o(
The camera girl left! Sowwy. Why did you go to philadelphia??
Dena says to make sure you know its not her so you won’t get mad.