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road trip: southwest america

2013 March 12
by dena

DSC_0780i finally found enough time today to prep some blog posts – so get ready for whole bunch of posts in a row. this first one takes us back to last saturday. the first day of tony and my road trip across texas + new mexico. we left houston a little before lunch time and by 9pm where pulling into the marfa campgrounds.

DSC_0785tony was afraid this gas was going to ruin his jeep. it was literally the only shop of any kind for hours. i was more worried about the gas station attendant and all the feral cats.

DSC_0792this sunset was nice, until we were driving into it for an hour. thats when i got VERY grumpy.


DSC_0776oh, and here is a little tribute to the bff and i. sorry you were gone 1 month and then the week you got home i left. i still like you girl.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Mom permalink
    March 13, 2013


  2. Sandy Douglass Abalos permalink
    April 3, 2013

    Yep, driving into the sun sucks!

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