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houston events caldendar: august 19 – 25, 2013

2013 August 19
by dena


welcome to this week’s houston events calendar. is based out of inner 610-loop houston and has the honor of compiling this calendar each week. i only post events that i know are legit and that i would have interest in going to personally. if you know of any other free/cheap, local, or totally worth it events happening between august 19 and 25, 2013 in houston leave them in comment form below! otherwise step out of your comfort zone and enjoy this city. see you out there !!!


monday august 19, 2013

tuesday august 20, 2013

wednesday august 21, 2013

  • houston networking news 10th anniversary bash . belbedere uptown park 1131-01 uptown park blvd . 5-10pm . FREE
  • rice design alliance forum: enviromental challenges facing the houston region over the next 25 years . MFAH . 6:30pm . (it says it’s free – but you might have to pay to get into the museum)
  • tour the hood ride . 2305 wheeler . 7pm . FREE
  • tai chi . heights & 18th . 7pm . FREE
  • building arts distinguished lecture series: buildings of texas . the heritage sociery at sam houston park 1100 bagby st . 7pm . $5 donation
  • houston food not bombs . downtown public library . 8pm . FREE

thursday august 22, 2013

  • art opening + reception . museum of printing history 1324 west clay st . 6pm . FREE
  • the wheel prject’s “a toast to the arts” . university museum 3100 cleburn ave . 6pm . FREE
  • battle for the gold: ramen noodle competition . ikea . 7pm . FREE + rsvp

friday august 23, 2013

  • art opening . lawndale art center . 5pm . FREE
  • 17th annual citywide african american artist exhibition . glassell school of art . 6pm . FREE
  • houston food not bombs . downtown public library . 8pm . FREE

saturday august 24, 2013

  • yoga . discovery green . 9am . FREE
  • houston re-market . 4302 harrisburg . 9am . FREE
  • tai chi . heights & 18th . 9am . FREE
  • free show: maco l fainel – author event – hip hop in houston: the origin and legacy . cactus music . 1-2pm . FREE
  • free show: fat tony . cactus music . 3-4pm . FREE
  • free show: dana falconberry . 5-6pm . FREE

sunday august 25, 2013

  • meditation in the gallery . asia society center . 8:30am . FREE
  • theatre distric open house . all over houston . 12noon . FREE
  • houston food not bombs . downtown public library . 7pm . FREE
  • houston swing dance society lessons + dance . 2310 elgin the el dorado ballroom . 7 for lesson // 8-10 dance . $10
  • cluth city comedy show . clutch city squire 410 main st . 8pm . $5

on going events in houston this week:

  • midnight sticky rice pop-up dinner . d&t rive in 1307 enid st . 7pm . FREE
  • mildred’s umbrella theatre company: foxfinder by dawn king . studio 101 at spring street studios . lots of dates . 8pm . $20 (mondays are pay what you can night)
  • movie night: men in black trilogy . miller outdoor theatre . monday/tuesday/wednesday . 8:15pm . FREE
  • catastrophic theatre presents: tamarie cooper is old as hell . the catastrophic theatre 1119 east freeway . lots of dates . 8pm . pay what you can
  • celebration theatre: standing on ceremony “the gay marriage plays” . resurrection metropolitan community church 2025 w 11th st . 8pm . $20, tuesday is $10
  • a.d. players presents anne of avonlea . miller outdoor theatre . friday + saturday . 8pm . FREE
  • summer kayak rides . discovery green . lots of times and dates . FREE
  • houston archeological society: diamond knoll project . meet to group to sift dirt
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