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bachelorette weekend YAY!!!

2013 November 14
by dena

DSC_0008this is how i spent last saturday. with lots of girls. doing girly things like: drinking out of straws and making crafts and shopping and taking public and transportation!

DSC_0018we stayed in a suit at the Magnolia hotel downtown, pretty dang fancy. then headed over to the TINDERBOX craft collective to have a private polymer jewelry making class. or as they like to call it, D.I.Y. with P.Y.L.





DSC_0052really proud of mine. pretty much like the cutest necklace/ earring set i have. oh wait, i don’t have any. well this would still be the cutest one even if i had a lot.

DSC_0046also, this is me “pretending” to be drunk off mimosas. but i wasn’t really. get it? its a joke if you know me in real life.


DSC_0067after that (above) and before this (below) we made friends with a cab driver named Pauley, ate sushi, publicly embarrassed a man with a hairy chest and hit up a tattoo parlor so the bride-to-be and maid-of-honor could get inked up.

DSC_0072(i only bought snacks that i would be happy with as leftovers after the party. is that b–ad to do-oo?)





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