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’tis the season (for local craft fairs)

2013 November 27
by dena

DSC_0031with the holidays nearing, and by nearing i mean thanksgiving is in like 1 1/2 hours it is craft show season in houston. the bf was in town this weekend and we spent our saturday doing something we love. craft shopping together. (is that embarrassing for him …?)


DSC_0042i took one-miiiiilllllllion fromthewaistup photos while walking the aisles, but they were almost all blurry. i had the idea while waiting for a crowd to form around this one booth so i could sneakily sneak a piece of candy without anyone seeing that i should make my a badge and wear it while taking photos. it would #1 give me confidence and give me an excuse to take more that waistlevelcandidshots and #2 present an opportunity to give anyone who asks a panchoandleftey buisness card. (i printed whatever 9 x 13 of them at kinkos today and need reasons to give them away.)

DSC_0037met this guy, james, the guy. he liked my astrodome pin so much he posted it on his twitter. so that was really exciting for me.

DSC_0047and then there is lisa chow, so friendly and cute and whose art makes everyone smile. while visiting she told me someone had just come up to her and said they knew her work from reading my post about austin,tx’s renegade craft fair. (read it here) i got really excited and spent the next hour or so feeling special and popular and a little bit famous. found out later it was one of my best friends who said that. whamp whamp. thanks a lot halie!

DSC_0056see my little felt astrodome pin! come buy one for $12 from me at my pop-shop-houston booth this friday and saturday 12noon- 8pm at Silver Street studios (2000 edwards st).

DSC_0059i bought 2 things at WHAM. the texas print pictured above. (i promised these artists i’d link to their websites but honestly i’m really warm in bed right now and don’t want to get up to look for their business cards) (if anyone reading this has the link, leave it as a comment below!)

DSC_0054and i bought this little guy. a cute baby piñata patch to sew onto my jean jacket.


DSC_0063we spent the rest of the day holding hands driving through glennwood cemetery, eating crepes, and watching room 237 (if you love The Shinning you need to check it out!) (thanks Christopher from tony’s old apartments for recommending it).

oh, and if you didn’t get the hint earlier, let me rephrase. COME SEE ME AT MY POP-SHOP BOOTH THIS FRIDAY + SATURDAY. 2000 edwards st. i’ll be the cute one with the gold baby christmas tree and felt things.

also, tony, if you find any typos in this post – just go ahead and sign in + edit. thanks!

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Sandy Douglass Abalos permalink
    November 30, 2013

    “The Shining”… JIC Tony doesn’t edit for you. Thought of you when I saw Ghost was on last nite.

  2. December 2, 2013

    Always a pleasure to educate famous chefs on the difference between a BLANKET and a QUILT 🙂 Great meeting you Dena! I hope your house is like Santa’s workshop right now turning out more of those Dome ornaments. They are SO CUTE, but not as cute as you and your Texas cookies.

    • Dena and Makenzie permalink*
      December 3, 2013

      THANKS GIRL! hope to stay in touch and see you around!

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