happy birthday andrew goat roast.
last weekend was a really busy weekend of firsts for me. it was the fist time i ever went to barbarella three nights in a row. the first time i ever wore a pancho dress with a hood. first time i ever filled my pancho dress hood with little dinky things like boucy balls and vegan cookies. (boucy balls are da-best for throwing on a crowded dance floor btw). and first time i ever witnessed a goat roast. you might know that i’m a vegetarian, and have been for 11+ years, so i don’t want to talk about that last “first” anymore. point is, andrew cobb is a dear friend and it was his birthday and a band was playing and there were lots of dogs (thats always a plus for makenzie) and the whole thing was just such a joy. thank you andrew for stumbling across this here blog and letting it open the first door that opened every other door into the life you live now. (matt trimble, i’m taking all the credit for that. just so you know!) oh and for being born. you’re a great friend and human in general and i hope this year is full of mostly happiness (because total happiness is unrealistic. obviously)
the band btw is called cactus cats and they played their first real show at fitz on wednesday. whoop whoop. they’re way good and i’d recommend spending your time and money on them.
also the cheese and bread in the pictures above were made at andrew’s house by friends that day. so freakin cool.