houston zine fest 2015
who made it out to zine fest 2015? probably all ya’ll because it seemed like all the cool kids were there. it was so a super bueno turn out and so freakin fun. not a surprise – makenzie and i have been going for years and every year it’s the BEST. a thing i like most about my friends in houston is that we’re all creative in our own way and we all have ideas for cool things AND (the best part) we actually MAKE them happen. i love this community !!!
makenzie signed me up to be a volunteer for zine fest while i was on my tennessee roadtip. isn’t that what best friends are for – signing you up for stuff without asking but knowing that they’ll thank you later – well thanks girl. i volunteered as a “floater” which meant i checked on vendors // did a last minute run to copydotcom for stacy + maria // and got to hang out with my fave bb’s mak + nick. i was basically a waitress – which is my dream job – so . yep. and if you think ZF was the best – holy HOLY we rallied big time ( the three of us did that thing where we separated and took naps at 9pm) and because we were just so excited we woke up put on cute outifts and went to the after party. thats commitment. but it was oh so worth it: free beer + a new favorite band (son of bitch) + the cutest pictures in the photo booth + the secret back room bathroom + all the dance moves. so so good. see you next year zine fest houston!!!
cool 🙂