houston events calendar: october 31 – november 6, 2016:
2016 October 31
hi hi it’s dena. i’m back HOME IN HOUSTON. my trip to italy was perfect-o but now it’s nice to be home and get back into my routine. don’t be mad BUT i went out to watch the anthony bourdain houston show last night instead of working on this dang calendar. AND tonight’s halloween so yikes, i’ll work on it at some point.* DID IT !!!
monday october 31, 2016:
- movie: night of the living dead (1968) . miller outdoor theatre . 7:30 – 10pm . FREE
- free radicals halloween dance party . avant garden . 10 – 11pm . FREE
tuesday november 1, 2016:
- yoga . discovery green . 6:30pm . FREE (does the new owner of a red yoga mat i scavenged from my evicted neighbor want to bike there with me?)
- show : frank freeman / mccullough ferguson . ladybirds . 7 – 11pm . FREE !!! GO FRANK GO !!!
- open mic at the shed . 5312 pease st . 8:30 – 12midnight . FREE + BYOB
wednesday november 2, 2016:
- free show (with all the bands) . notsuoh . 8pm – 2am . FREE
thursday november 3, 2016:
- i think i’m going on a MFAH movie date … what about y’all ?
friday november 4, 2016:
- movie night: the good dinosaur . discovery green . 7:30 – 10pm . FREE
- vinyl ranch country club . ladybirds . 9pm – 2am . FREE (mixin’ classic country tunes all night !!!) (anyone want to go have a beer and do some dancing )
- dia de los muertos celebration . avant garden . 10pm – 2am . FREE
saturday november 5, 2016:
- yoga . discovery green . 9am . FREE
- girl crush holiday market . tout suite . 12noon – 6pm . FREE YAY !!!
- in-store: birthday club . cactus music . 1 – 2pm . FREE
- callisemica (calligraffiti // lettering // typeart art opening) . visionary heights 1331 nicholson st . 6 – 10pm . FREE (i’m SO interested in this !!!)
- art opening . the jung center . 5-7pm . FREE
- methods of survival: amongst other things book release! 2608 dunlavy . 7 – 11pm . FREE
- movie: star wars the force awakens . discovery green . 7-9pm . FREE
- show: tommy tine tonight . miller outdoor theatre . 7:30 – 9:30pm . FREE
sunday november 6, 2016:
- intermediate sewing class . rec room . 1 – 5pm . $$$ but WORTH IT !!!
- public auditions for public poetry’s PM show . rudyards . 2-4pm . FREE
- in-store: blink owls . cactus music . 3-4pm . FREE
- narcissism: a look into the life of someone you prob don’t know – art opening . insomnia video game culture . 5 – 9pm . FREE
on going events this week:
- dia de los meuertos short film exhibition . lawndale art center . october 28 – november 5 . FREE
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