houston events calendar: october 25 – 31, 2021
2021 October 25

welcome back, friends !! i can’t wait for dena to fill you in on all the big, amazing life changes that have occurred since 2017. some of the absolute best things that have ever happened to either of us have happened in these past five years. mixed in with that were some pretty awful things, like a pandemic. but i won’t spoil the suprises. so let’s get down to it… here’s what’s happening in our still-favorite city this week !!
monday october 25, 2021:
- they, who sound . lawndale art center . 7:30pm – 9:30pm . FREE
tuesday october 26, 2021:
- yoga . discovery green . 6:30pm – 7:30pm . FREE
- race and social justice book club . online via houston public library . 7-8pm . FREE
- aloha from hell (party + live music) . two headed dog . 7pm – 2am // 10pm live music . FREE
wednesday october 27, 2021:
- rda lecture: power and participation in public art . online via zoom . 12noon – 1pm . FREE . this looks super cool
- vocal performance: dimensions variable . moody center for the arts . 6:30pm . FREE . dang, i’m gonna miss this, but you should go !!
- drag show: the dollhouse . grand prize bar . 9pm – 12midnight . FREE
thursday october 28, 2021:
- art opening: hspva 50th anniversary alumni exhibition !! diverse works . 6pm . FREE . dena, wanna go?? you will literally know everyone. haha
friday october 29, 2021:
- howling on dowling . eldorado ballroom parking lot . 6:30pm – 9:30pm . FREE with rsvp . project row houses party to celebrate the revitalization of this historic spot
- film screening: juliet of the spirits . mfah . 7pm . $9
saturday october 30, 2021:
- artist talk: whit forrester . project row houses . 10:30am . FREE . includes astrology reading for attendees
- hike, bike + freight fest . mkt heights . 4-9pm . FREE . our friend dom’s genius podcast, sick sad film club, is hosting the 7pm screening of hocus pocus here
- fourth annual fetish art show . insomnia gallery . 7-11pm . FREE
- doomsday wrestling’s halloween special . market square park . 7pm doors // 8pm show . FREE
- movie: bettlejuice . discovery green . 8pm . FREE
sunday, october 31, 2021
- fall market . revival market . 10am – 2pm . FREE . friends like jessica ninci will be selling cute things
- art opening: molly zuckerman-hartung . blaffer museum . 2-5pm . FREE . san antonio-based chicana punk band, fea, will be performing
on going events this week:
- houston vs. atlanta in the world series !!
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