houston events calendar: june 27 – july 3, 2022
2022 June 27

monday june 27, 2022:
sober happy hour: club soda no twist . davis holdings . 5pm . $20
movie night: death proof . axelrad . 8pm . FREE
tuesday june 28, 2022:
- horni tonk tuesdays . the big top lounge . 7-11pm . FREE
wednesday june 29, 2022:
- HIIT workout . discovery green . 6:30-7pm. FREE
thursday june 30, 2022:
- film: the exquisite moving corpse . MATCH . 7-9pm . FREE
- ‘ascendants from the future’ closing night . orange show world headquarters . 8-10pm . FREE
friday july 1, 2022:
- art reception: mythofuturiddim . winter street studios . 6-9pm . FREE
- art reception: 39th center annual exhibition . houston center for photography . 6-8pm . FREE
- art reception: andrea bianconi: sit down here to have an idea . barbara davis gallery . 7-9pm . FREE
- film screening: everything everywhere all at once . 14 pews . 7pm . $11
- summer symphony nights . miller outdoor theatre . 8:30pm . FREE
saturday july 2, 2022:
- hatha yoga . discovery green . 9-10am . FREE
- architecture tour . asia society . 10-11am . $10
- aruande capoeira . smither park . 10am – 12noon . FREE
- art reception: justin sterling: windows of opportunity . redbud gallery . 6-9pm . FREE
- summer symphony nights . miller outdoor theatre . 8:30pm . FREE
sunday july 3, 2022:
- cat videofest . 14 pews . 7-9pm . $10
- pot party presented by friends with hou . dirt bag . 5-9pm . FREE
on going events this week:
- live in person sticky sweet summer show . MATCH . $
- edith can shoot things and hit them . MATCH . $
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