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Dinner and Bikes date night, Georgia’s Market

2012 April 21

Thursday evening Makenzie,a friend who is a boy, and I rode downtown to Georgia’s Market for the Dinner and Bikes Presentation put on by Bike Houston. We were greeted by lots of smiling cyclist’s friendly faces and after a totally reasonable donation filled our plate with delish vegan cuisine. We chatted with other Houston area bikers, both religious and recreational riders, and then sat down for the presentation itself given by the cutest little bikey lady: Elly Blue. She was extremely engaging and informed on all issues related to biking. For example, who knew that it cost millions of dollars for the state to pave one mile of freeway – and how living within a 3 mile distance from a freeway (totally guilt of this) can cause extreem respiratory problems. i was honored to be the powerpoint clicker – and got to sit in the front row and change the slides whenever she pointed to me. summary: get a bike, ride it as often as you can (for both your health and as an example for others), respect bikers on the road, and vote for expansion of green space/bike trails in the Houston election this November.

The event was in Georgia’s Market wine cellar. perfect place for ghost stories… too bad we had a lecture to distract us. The food was  the so SO good and good for you. The merch table was complete with dozens of cute baby zines and cookbooks made by the presenters and bike-proud shirts. Mak and Matt each bought a zine, i tried to rangle one from the raffel winner but whimped out.

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