Blue Bell Flavor: Cake and Ice Cream
2012 February 12
rated: 7 out of 10
benefits: If you’re craving a vanilla sundae complete with the works ( a.k.a. chocolate syrup, cake bites and sprinkles) this is your one-shop go-to ice cream dream come true.
disadvantages: first bite: magical, marvelous, astonishing… second bite: wait a minute, this bite tastes just like the first… third bite: this tastes just like vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate syrup – i could have made this myself… forth bite: been there had this, new flavor please !
4 Responses
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I like this post. Reviews are good. it reminds me a little bit of this other Houston blogger/friend who posts some reviews sometimes
thanks for the comment, just checked out the link and WOW way cool. look for more review to come!
wow I guess I am missing out on this Blue Bell madness. Cali does not have Blue Bell ice cream, but there are mom and pop ice cream places in and around LA
ya once you go blue bell, you DON’T go back. notice how there are no recent posts regarding ice cream taste testing – well its because i broke up with the boy who used to always buy it for me …i’m super stingy and won’t spend $6 on a carton even though if i did it would be so SO worth it. what’s your favorite flavor of all times ?