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toxic prom: bike prom ride

2014 May 20

IMG_6355makenzie was my date to bike prom on monday night. (well actually our bikes were are dates, but you get the idea). point is, it was a special edition monday night ride put on by the toxic shocks: a houston girl’s bike gang. aww yea. we saw a few people we know, here are a few awkward prom posed pictures to prove it!







IMG_6342we didn’t do much of the ride. i forgot how riding with a big group, especially when going through downtown and following all the traffic laws, can be really sucky. lots of stopping and starting and making sure you start off straight and not wiggly and so forth. also, they were just riding to like a bunch of bars and i don’t really drink and makenzie didn’t want to spend money – so we just went home and ate ice cream + funfetti cake + cookie dough and watched the Blair Witch Project. of which i’m sorry to say was a little bit of a let down, taken all the hype i’d heard from everyone (including my mom). the imdb facts were a fun treat after the fact though.


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