houston events calendar: april 18 – 24, 2022
2022 April 18

hi friends !! this weekend is earth day, y’all, so ride your bikes to the OH SO MANY events this week !!
monday april 18, 2022:
- visiting artist lecture series: puppies puppies . rice university sewall hall . 7pm . FREE
- they, who sound . lawndale art center . 7:30 – 9:30pm . FREE
- htx free art meetup w/ live model . grand prize bar . 7:30pm – 10pm . FREE
- movie night: half baked . axelrad . 8pm . FREE
tuesday april 19, 2022:
- yoga . discovery green . 6:30 – 7:30pm . FREE
- grown up story time . rudyard’s . 8pm . $12 . our girl maria heg is reading !!
- live music: some folks we like . kohn’s . 8pm . $10
wednesday april 20, 2022:
- herb society: “the use of medicinal herbs in traditional mexican medicine” . lott hall at hermann park . 7pm . FREE
- warhol wednesdays . rice university . 8pm . FREE
thursday april 21, 2022:
- lecture: african american and mexican american experience of land theft . holocaust museum . 6:00 – 7:30pm . FREE
- concert: beethoven’s healing symphony . mfah . 6:30 – 7:30pm . FREE
- senior art show + student films . rice university . 7-9pm . FREE . awards ceremony at 6pm if you’re interested in that
friday april 22, 2022:
- gulf coast reading series . lawndale art center . 6:30pm – 9pm . FREE
- film screening: the curse of professor zardonicus . rice university . 7pm . FREE . filmed in houston in 2022 !!
- houston working artist collective earth day show . hardy & nance studios . 7-11pm . FREE
- noise poetry show: t lavois thiebaud . raven tower . 7:30pm . $10 . don’t miss this one, y’all !!
- skyspace dance performance . skyspace at rice university . 9-10pm . FREE
saturday april 23, 2022:
- workshop: altar making for self-care . project row houses . 1-3pm . FREE . open to black girls and women
- guided tour of “sawed, soldered, constructed” . hccc . 3-4pm . FREE
- ocean music action concert . moody center for the arts . 6-7pm . FREE
- art opening: never odd or even . galveston arts center . 6-9pm . FREE
- kickin’ kombucha 1 year anniversary party . kickin’ kombucha . 6-9pm . FREE
- an experiment in media archeology . rice university . 7pm . this seems rad for fans of houston history and film !!
- hspva encore 50 performance . miller outdoor theatre . 8-10pm . FREE
sunday april 24, 2022:
- little BIPOC book fest . smither park . 10am – 2pm . FREE
ongoing events this week:
- performance: womb . diverse works . april 21-22 . 7pm . $5
- overlapping territories symposium . diverse works . april 22-23 . various times . FREE
- skyspace dance performance . rice university . april 22-23 . 9-10pm . FREE
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