houston events calendar: april 25 – may 1, 2022
2022 April 24

i’ll be in san francisco for most of this week and next, so please, please, please go to the screening of ‘great freedom’ at the mfah on friday and then the art show at blue rose gallery after. drop your address in the comments if you want a postcard from california !!
monday april 25, 2022:
- they, who sound . lawndale art center . 7:30 – 9:30pm . FREE
- movie night: friday . axelrad . 8pm . FREE
tuesday april 26, 2022:
- yoga . discovery green . 6:30 – 7:30pm . FREE
wednesday april 27, 2022:
- art talk: the spiritual landscapes of joseph yoakum . menil drawing institute . 7-8pm . FREE
thursday april 28, 2022:
- space city grand slam . mfah . 6-8pm . FREE . the largest youth poetry slam in texas !!
friday april 29, 2022:
- art opening: ‘para morir en junio con la lengua afuera‘ . blue rose gallery . 6-10pm . FREE . curated by our brilliant friend junior fernandez !!
- film screening: dune . rice university . 7pm . FREE
- queer film and panel talk on history of cruising in houston . mfah . 7pm . $9
- movies at miller: encanto . miller outdoor theatre . 8pm . FREE
saturday april 30, 2022:
- eldorado ballroom art unveiling . eldorado ballroom . 10-11am . FREE
- houston’s dog festival . market square park . 10am – 3pm . FREE
- tie dye party . brazos bookstore . 12-2pm . FREE . they’ll have the dye, bring your own fabric !!
- neighborhood community day . menil collection . 12-5pm . FREE
- art talk: unpicking the many lives of quilts . bayou bend collection . 1pm // 3pm . FREE . part of a day of programming titled ‘the evolving lives of objects’
- artist tour of ‘nothing goes to waste’ . hccc . 3pm – 4:30pm . FREE
- black queer af music festival . stampede . 3-7pm . $15
- live music: heart . miller outdoor theatre . 8pm . FREE
- art performance: duty-free paradise . aurora picture show . 8pm . FREE
sunday may 1, 2022:
- kitchen towel block printing workshop . devil and the deep brewery . 1pm . $60
ongoing events this week:
- opera: hilma . moody center for the arts . april 27-28 . 7-8pm . FREE
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