houston events calendar: november 30 – december 6, 2015
there are almost one too many (ehh ehh) craft show / sales this weekend which is so exciting for makers and shoppers alike. i’ll be at antidote coffee’s sale craftidote on saturday so come see me and buy my things! the only bummer, being a vender, is that i had to sit behind my own card table and can’t shop. dang. but i will be at femme fest later to be with nick – so come see us + makenzie who will be back in town! also – shout out to everyone who did what we said when we said stand on those precariously tall pieces of wood and balance your beer on your head. that was mean of us – but oh so fun.
monday november 30, 2015:
- comedy: open mic . rudyards . 7:30pm . FREE
tuesday december 1, 2015:
- farmer’s market // holiday market . rice university parking lot . 3:30 – 6:30pm . FREE
- neo benshi 15 . pj’s sports bar . 8-10pm . $5
wednesday december 2, 2015:
- drinks with diverseworks . axelrad 1517 alabama . 6-8pm . FREE + percentage of sales go to diverse works
thursday december 3, 2015:
- night of art at rice university . rice: sewall hall . 5-8pm . FREE
- performance art: semigloss: magazine launch and this thing we do screening . CAMH . 6-9pm . FREE
- women that rock fest ft. gwen doll // libby koch // lystery loves company // fear the poet // giant kitty . rudyards . 6:30pm . $7 in advance
- live music: craig kinsey band . the nightingale room . 7pm . FREE
- comedy: max: long form improv . BETA theatre . 9pm . $
friday december 4, 2015:
- a trunk show: leslie shershow . menil book store . 6-8pm . FREE
- art opening: water and light; life at sea (by lou vest) . aker imaging photo lab and gallery . 6-8pm . FREE
saturday december 5, 2015:
- design craft . market square park . 10am – 5pm . FREE
- 11th annual heights holiday market . 935 harvard st . 11am – 5pm . FREE
- CRAFTIDOTE . ANTIDOTE COFFEE . 12noon – 5pm . FREE (i’ll be selling things come see me !!!)
- holiday trunk sale: claire webb . iko iko 4721 n main st . 1-4pm . FREE (she’s my jewelry teacher – go buy her things!!!)
- femme fest HTX . axelrad 1517 alabama st . 4pm . FREE (nick is gonna have a daddy issues booth so come say hi to him !!!)
- art pop-up that gives back: women on top . brazilian arts foundation . 5-9pm . FREE (my roommate is one of the artists!)
- holiday party . silver street studios . 6-10pm . FREE (i think)
sunday december 6, 2015:
- just go home and look at all the good things you bought at all the craft sales yesterday !!!
I missed the craft part. I got there around 7 pm and seemed craft things had finished around 2 hours earlier or so. 🙁