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for the community III . vinal edge . karaoke . kind of saturday night

2012 September 20
by dena

if you read our last post you know how we spent last friday night. well saturday was a whole ‘nother ball game. i spent the late afternoon riding makenzie’s fixed bianchi pista (ofwhichisprettyprobablygoingtobeminerealsoon) while she finished up her crisis hotline training and then we headed over to For The Community III. we never got the FTC I or II memo, or someone forgot to invite us or something because this was most definitely my first time at The Compound. whatafreakincoolpace. i’ll admit that sometimes i get a little show-offy and usually expect to know most of the people when i go to these type of “houston counter culture” kind of things but all be darn, this show sure put me in my place. i only knew like 5 people in the whole place. of the people i knew, a few are pictured below. including phil, with his camera glued to his face like usual.

i watched some guys hoist and hang that old door a.k.a. the “bar” sign. so that was pretty eventful. besides that there were lots of vendors and although makenzie and i only saw 2 musical acts – of what we heard things we’re sounding GREAT. the rain had stopped for the day and the weather was niiiiiiiice. way to go Houston Free Thinker people for throwing this party-for-the-community.

on our way out we ran into this random guy who happened to recognize us from the houston-gets-sick show the night before. we proved he was legit by comparing weird little red sharpie circles -jeffhunter’ssercret”youpaidandyourin”homemadehandstamp. we also noticed he had a silver pinky ring and guessed correctly that he was an engineer. we learned about the special engineer pinky ring thing at a dance party and it’s been helpful information ever since. but take note that the ones mak and i wear are simply silver rings we bought in london and wear as “best friend” rings. we’re not really smart enough to be engineers.

up next we drove to vinal edge on 19th street. we’re pretty cool, but not as cool as this one guy who rode his bike there. but its whateves i’ve pretty much rode my bike everywhere else this week, so i don’t even feel guilty. we didn’t really know who was playing but we had a feeling they were from out of town and need some good ‘ole houston girls to bring some funk to the show. and so thats exactly what we did – via simles and dance moves. oh and the free – local beer was nice too.

notice this familiar face. he’s a pretty big deal around this town. the name’s peter lee and we had the honor of posing in this pic with him. notice his “too cool for school” attitude – ya that’s just how his face looks.

a picture of the back of mak AND my head. i just had to add this because i don’t think it’s ever existed before. thanksdavidfortheshot. and then there’s matt. andEVERYONElovesmattsothatsathing.

so the band was James Rabbitt and THEY  FRAKIN ROCKED. i don’t even think i can express in words how soooo gooood they were. let me just say they were the perfect combo of campy and eccentric. with talking heads vibes and some frank zappa meets the b 52’s lyrics, in my opinion. we were totally blown away. welovethem. check out there facebook HERE and their bandcamp HERE. and to top it all off they were cool PEOPLE too. we would know because we spent the rest of the night with them all. awww yea, hanin with the band.

here is david shinning a “spotlight” (actually just a rigged up lightbulb inside a coke can – ingenious i say) on nessie. i had the job at first, and although it was only necessary for this one song … david decided he better just hold it the rest of the night. “okay”, we said.

if these pictures don’t capture the super rad vibe of the show, i don’t know what will. oh except seeing them live of course. THEIR TOUR IS NOT YET OVER. FIND THEM AND SEE THEM. i’m sure you can find something about their schedule HERE.

and i wasn’t even kidding. there is david, after the show is over STILL holding the spotlight. and mak and matt – to lovely lovelies. so after the show we chilled outside vinal edge for a while, enjoying the weather and eachother’s company. THEN we stared the long and combersome process of deciding where to go from there. i personally wanted to go to the For The Community III after party – dance party. but matt wanted to go to the Big Top and still more, the band wanted to sing kareoke.

so … we headed over to midtown’s spotlight karaoke. (Glitter Karaoke was too crowded – and i watched as the door guy dumped the cigarette ash tray into the storm drain. totally NOT cool. don’t support them.) and this is pretty much how the rest of the night went. lots and LOTS of dancing and sing-a-longs. oh and some drinks, yes some of those as well.

BTW: my glasses are lacking the “anti-glare” coating … so if you were wondering, thats why they’re never in front of  my eyes in pictures. oh and the picture below. those are just ALL our new friends. probably more than you have . no big deal.

some of the songs played: we didn’t start the fire, RESPECT, you’re so vain, before he cheats, a bunch of weird 90’s rap songs we didn’t know but could imagine, sweet caroline, oh and they never played mak and mine but we were going to duet BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE. (anyone else who was there please oh PLEASE leave a comment with other songs played – my mind’s gone blank) all and all it was a super grand night. and hey, we now have like a half a dozen new friends to visit next time we head over to santa cruz, california.

little shout out to the FOOD NOT BOMBS BENEFIT concert tonight at Fitz. hope to see everyone and i mean EVERYONE there with a bag of dried beans and their dance moves ready to be shown off. mak and i will be there for sure.


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