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funnel tunnel lighting

2014 February 13

IMG_4471for anyone who missed the news, i’m back home. inside the 610 loop – and it feels so nice. for anyone who missed the other news, this evening was the funnel tunnel lighting thing. the artist, partrick renner, was one once an art teacher of mine – although now that i’m “grown up” we’re like friends. he’s pretty famous and pretty great.


IMG_4467(you’re welcome patrick  for this very flatteringly attractive still from your time-lapse “making of funnel tunnel” video.) i don’t know if the video will be playing as part of the exhibition or not, but if so, go watch it and take note of halie + makenzie + tony + me painting in the background. remember that? (if not,  look at my words and pictures HERE)



IMG_4477this was my dinner. free and everything orange they had on one plate.


One Response leave one →
  1. Patrick Renner permalink
    April 7, 2014

    Thanks for another cool write-up! You rock!!

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