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Black Hole 1 Year Anniversary

2012 February 20
by dena

Two Saturdays ago (2.11.2012) marked a very important date in inner 610 loop Montrose history…

Black Hole Coffee Shop 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. 

Makenzie, her roommate Celine, the BF and I celebrated with a cup of dark roast, rainbow birthday cake, and belly dancing.With music provided by I Am Mesmer, a food truck, and lots o’people there was no way we weren’t going to have a good time and get a good blog post out of it as well!

Belly dancing credit goes to our cutie pie friend Y.E.Torres, check out her FLICKR

Makenzie and I take her donation Yoga and Belly Dance Movement class at Tango Cielo -a post with pictures coming soon.


4 Responses leave one →
  1. February 22, 2012

    DANG IT how did we miss this. This is just down the street from me. Like a 2 minute walk:( UGHHHHHH remind me of these fun local things!!

    • February 22, 2012

      we saw your some of your boys there (well lonnie and korey) i bet you were earning yourself some mulah, otherwise i know you would hav been there.

  2. Sway permalink
    February 24, 2012

    I am so sad I missed this too. Looks like you had a loverly time. AND got to see some rad performers. Geoffrey is my personal hero, as is Ms. Yet. Damnit…

    • February 24, 2012

      Thanks for the comment! We were thinking about doing an “upcoming events” post on our blog. This would have been a good one for it! And would have solved your problem!

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