Blue Bell Flavor: Banana Pudding
2012 February 24
rated: 9.5 out of 10
benefits: everything you love about banana pudding without the 3 day factor, you know how after 3 days (if you can even keep banana pudding in your fridge for that long without eating it) the banana’s start turning that unappetizing grey color … well with Blue Bell’s Banana Pudding ice cream that is never the case. You can enjoy this carton living in your freezer for 3+ days – heck, for 3+ weeks if you don’t scarf it down all in one sitting.
disadvantages: humm, could it be that there aren’t any disadvantages at all? well, unless you find banana flavoring utterly repulsing you should love this!
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You should write commercials for Blue Bell. I think their “Oh look how homey and quaint we are” thing is kind of tired anyway. Kick it up a notch for them, Dena!
We actually want to become spokes girls for them someday! That’s why we have to get famous!