dena trivia: fact 1
as you might have read on the “about” page, i am a Houston native. by Houston native, i don’t mean i grew up in a suburb and recently moved into city limits (cough cough makenzie). no, i have lived within the 610-loop all my life. in other words, i’ve gone to elementary – middle – high school- and college within a 5 mile radius. i’ve lived in 4 differnt places, all within 10 minutes of each other: 2 houses with my parents (i’m an only child) and then college dorms my first two years of school and an apartment on the edge of campus this year. ready for the dena trivia: fact 1
Excluding the apartment i currently reside in, i’ve NEVER lived in a house (in all my 21 years) that had more than one bathroom!
Okay I was reading your about page and it made me laugh. Y’all seem really nice!! I have only lived in one town too and I plan to go to college next year in Houston as well. 🙂
I was wondering are you Jewish? If you don’t want to answer that, you don’t have to.
HA good question, everyone always thinks i’m jewish. i’m in fact catholic, but grew up having a bunch of jewish friends – so i have the “Berakhah HaGafen” memorized.
Thanks so much for reading our blog and taking the time to comment. totally contact us again when you move to Houston – we’ll tell you all our favorite Houston secrets.
Haha that’s funny! I’m actually from Houston as well. I’m going to St. Thomas. 🙂
oh i get it. cool !
DANG! 3 people one bathroom. What happened when everyone needed to poo at the same time?
cross you legs really tight and wait right outside the door. and when i was REALLY little i’d just pee outside !!!