RANDOM FACT: I don’t really mind the smell of arm pits.
I think that this is actually much more common than people realize.
Good! Glad to know I’m not abnormal.
2 years ago, mak and I were living in our college dorms, she busted out of her room stating “ummm my arm pits smell SO good” right as a group tour was walking down the hall. it was SO embarrassing. .dena.
Lol. Love it.
Mmmm armpit
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I think that this is actually much more common than people realize.
Good! Glad to know I’m not abnormal.
2 years ago, mak and I were living in our college dorms, she busted out of her room stating “ummm my arm pits smell SO good” right as a group tour was walking down the hall. it was SO embarrassing.
Lol. Love it.
Mmmm armpit