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dena trivia: 3

2012 June 12
by dena

so, i’m really into country music. i used to LOATH it, but then i had this pretty cool cousin who lives in colorado who came to visit (she was in town for a funeral, go figure) and while driving around (we were actually headed to the feed store to buy some dove food for my mom’s birds) she turned on the country radio and, although i wouldn’t admit it at the time, i fell in love with the campy themes and sappy lyrics. i should have know country music was so “me”; i was born destined to like shania twain and loretta lynn.

anyway, this triva fact goes something like this. in high school i got free front row tickets to a keith urban concert (at the freakin’ huge toyota center) and so, although i don’t like his music much at all,i wasn’t going to turn down something FREE and so ventured out to it with my best friend at the time (rachel, hope you remember this the same way i do). i’ve always been slightly obsessed with anyone “famous” and wasn’t going to let the whole concert go on with out making my mark on mr. urban.

so, half way through the concert i managed to stand up on the barrier (who knows where the security guard was) and was planning to just TOUCH keith urban’s leg. i thought i’d be the coolest if i could say i had actually touched him. BUT, somewhere between my leaning on to the stage and balancing on the barrier bars and reaching out i lost my balance and had nothing else to grad onto but KEITH URBAN HIMSELF. he ended up stumbling on stage and i ended up getting yelled at by every single person within a 25 foot radius. i was SO embarrassed, and felt so bad for causing such a big deal. but hey, now i can say i was the girl who tripped keith urban on stage.

anyone else have a “famous person” embarrassing story ? btw, this was just one of many, if ya’ll are into this kinda stuff i could share more …

2 Responses leave one →
  1. some guy permalink
    December 19, 2012

    I got one!
    One summer my older brother was an intern for the Ravinia summer music fest in Chicagoland. Myself and the rest of the fam were visiting him on the weekend of the Ben Folds Live concert (this was in 2008) and he scored tickets and backstage passes for myself and our other brother. So the three of us are just bummin’ around with a half-dozen interns outside the green room when a beautiful woman and her daughter approach.

    I go silent. As a super-fan, I know this is Mr. Folds’ lovely wife and daughter casually heralding His entrance. He strolls through while the room goes silent. As soon as the green room door closes our other brother belches out “Who was that guy” and I berate him and myself for our insolence.

    That story king of sucks, but its the best you can muster when you grow up in Iowa. Another time in Chicago I recognized the guy that plays TV’s “Pete Hornberger”, but I couldn’t remember his name, so I just said “You’re Great on 30 Rock! I bet you get that a lot” and he said something or other.

    . . .anyway great Blog! I just moved into town. This site is invaluable! Much Love

  2. Dena and Makenzie permalink*
    December 19, 2012

    no those stories are great. thanks for sharing and for following our blog. if you have time, check out our “blog update” post and leave a comment letting us know what you like most about it !!!

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