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summer solstice 2012 MedMob

2012 June 21

you might be reading the blog today and wondering did dena celebrate summer solstice 2012 yesterday? well let me tell you, i sure as heck did. in fact i celebrated it all day long and even after the sun had set, into the wee hours of the morning. before heading out the the feakin’ rad LIGHT PARTY at the railyrd (of which a SUPER photo-heavy/worth checking out post should be published tomorrow) i met up with a co-op friend, matt, to participate in MedMob at menil park. the group met up, there was probably like 20 or so of us, at 5pm (thanks rain for lightening up, although it would have been kind of exciting if we’d gotten a down pour during the mediation) anyway, the event its self was literally “awe”some. the coolest part was that tons of other people were involved in the same type of summer solstice MedMob all over the world! solidarity to the max.

we all set criss cross in a circle and put our right hand on our neighbor’s left knee and our left hand on top of that hand on our left knee, get it? we were all connected. then, starting with a singing bowl gong, we began our 48 minute silent meditation. i struggled with the stillness and silence a few times throughout the practice – for example my left leg fell more asleep than it ever has. (after the meditation i was touching it and it didn’t even feel like i was touching my own leg-super spooky-) but throughout it all i never moved more than a breath and felt so accomplished and content by the time i finally opened my eyes.

we came out of meditation with another singing bowl gong and began an 11 minute “sound bath” in which drums were played and everyone was invited to “om”.

it seemed like EVERYONE was celebrating the longest day of the year here at menil park. after the meditation i headed over the the railyrd to the BEST summer solstice party imaginable. i’m going to sort through my hundreds of pictures from last night and get a post published by tomorrow – right after i finish scrubbing all this dang purple dye off my face and arms! (anyone else from last night having trouble getting it all off? )


3 Responses leave one →
  1. Anonymous permalink
    June 22, 2012

    Hell of a time with the purple powder – mostly re: what little clothing I was wearing. No problem with the skin.

    I’m bummed to know I hadn’t heard about the MedMob before now! I’ve been meaning to put one together for over 2 years now, since I heard about them, but have never managed it. Glad to know it’s happening though! Thanks for the community update, as always, and for being you.

  2. June 22, 2012

    why thank you “anonymous” and yes i’ve had purple boogers for the past 2 days but it was all worth it.

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  1. morning medmob at menil. august 2012 « Pancho and Leftey

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