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as of today, absurd Houston feeding ordinance

2012 July 1

so if you’ve read much on out blog before you know how passionate makenzie and i are about the ridiculous new feeding ordinance houston city council has passed. here’s a brief recap, in my own words, of the law itself: beginning july 1, 2012 it will be illegal, in the city of Houston, to share food, free of charge, to 5 or more “needy” people on public or private property without explicit prior permission from the city.” so yep, that’s it in a nut shell and yes it is truly as obsurd as it sounds. (read the actual amendment to ch 20 of the code of ordinance HERE )

so, whats the next step ? houston food not bombs has collectively decided to NOT ask to city for permission and instead just continue sharing food with hungry people like we have the 18+ years. we are also getting signature, 20,000, on an anti-feeding ordinance petition in hopes of getting this law that was passed by the city council on the ballot so WE the people of houston can vote on it. (if you are a registered voter in the city of  houston, you can print and sign the petition HERE )

but now, the main reason for this blog post … myself (dena) along with 6 others are acting as potential plaintiffs serving the city of houston a legal notice of law suit. The Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act allows the city of houston 60 days after receiving legal notice to remedy the violation of religious freedom before a lawsuit is filed. in other words i am pretty much suing the city of houston (as in: yanowski vs. the city of houston) for preventing me and others from fulfilling my religious obligation to serve the needy.

these pictures were taken (thanks mom) on thursday june 28, 2012 at a press conference in front of city hall. pictured is myself, 3 of the other potential plantiffs (fellow food not bomb-ers whoop whoop) and a collection of houston area lawyers/attorneys/knowledgable men in suits including eric dick, 2 of the kubosh brothers and randall kallinen. we were covered by channel 39 and 2. check out the clip:


keep up to date with this issue on facebook: or on the official webpage:

here are some houston food not bombs pictures i’ve taken over the past few months, just in case you’ve never been and were wondering what it’s like in a nutshell:

WONDERING WHAT YOU CAN DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE ? well, if you’ve already signed the petition (link above) and are wondering what else you can do to show the city that this law sucks, come out to FNB’s first illegal food sharing tonight, july 1st at the houston down town public library at 7pm. we’re hoping to have media and press there, as well as legit legal observers and lots and lots of food. bring a vegetarian dish to share, and if you’re not comfortable serving the food yourself there will for sure be someone who is. the more people to show their support the better – hope you see you out there tonight !!!


2 Responses leave one →
  1. July 1, 2012

    This is an outrage! What next? I’m so proud of you and your friends for standing by your convictions! It’s always best to obey God and leave the outcome to Him. I pray He’ll give you victory over your oppressors!

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  1. Food Not Bombs taking it down to city hall « Pancho and Leftey

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