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Netflix Reviews: Slacker

2012 July 26
by dena


This Movie Is: Slice of life, Slow, and Tongue-in-cheek

A certain professor at University of St. Thomas who shall remain un-named used to berate our class for not having seen this film, made by Houston born Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, SubUrbia, etc.) ‘Don’t you KNOW’ she would say, ‘it’s about AUSTIN.’ Who cares about Austin, not me, HTOWN FOREVER.

But I digress. This film is about daily life in Austin and is made up of vignettes of unusual characters. The action is very slow so don’t expect to sit down and watch this with ya know, people who aren’t, ya know ARTISTS or ALTERNATIVE. It’s a good film to put on when you have to clean your room or work on an art project because it gives you a reason to sit through it.

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