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Netflix Reviews: Parks and Rec

2012 September 27
by dena

Parks and Rec

BONUS: Start watching season 5 of Parks and Rec on Hulu!

THIS TV SHOW IS: Droll, Witty, and Accurate

So you’ve probably heard of Parks and Rec already but I wanted to post this because not only did they just add Season 4 to Netflix, but you can also start watching Season 5 on Hulu!

When I first started watching Parks and REc, I didn’t really like it that much. I thought it was a rip-off of “The Office” and I thought Amy Poehler was pretty annoying in it. Then, someone made me watch a later episode of the show and it was funny! So I started watching it and once I got through the 1st season, I was addicted!

Another thing about Parks and Rec is that it pretty much accurately portrays local government. If you start working for your city government, don’t be surprised if you start thinking you’re actually in an episode of Pars and Rec. So forget civics class…just watch TV!

The last thing that is awesome about Parks and Rec is Ron Swanson. In a future life, I hope to be Ron Swanson. Actually, I think I am already Ron Swanson a little bit except for the part where he likes to eat meat. I am only Ron Swanson in the sense that I sometimes I am not very good with other people.

Finally: Please visit this link because you will not be disappointed. 

One Response leave one →
  1. Anonymous permalink
    September 28, 2012

    Ron (Nick Offerman) works with wood in real life.

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