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houston’s black friday walmart protest

2012 November 24
by dena

so, this black friday i went to the yale st. walmart protest. and, it was pretty cool. i’m so proud of houston for jumping on the walmart protest bandwagon. the group was filled with quite a few familliar faces ifyouhavntnoticedyet houstonisaprettysmalltowninner610loop andalotofgroupsoverlap. so there were some free radicals and fnb friends. over all i thought there was a pretty decent turn out and lots of powerful signs and faces.

the best part, in my opinion, was when a walmart 18 wheeler  truck drove past. there was EXTRA yelling at that point. besides that,  just lots of honking. one group represented was NOW (national organization for women). I don’t know much about them, but i got put on their mailing list. and if you want to learn more, check out their FACEBOOK.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. November 24, 2012

    Grandma Douglass would be proud of you DY2! She was a women’s rights advocate before it was mainstream!

  2. November 24, 2012

    must run in our blood. thanks for the comment !!!

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