houston events calendar: January 29 – February 4, 2013
2013 January 29
houston events happening this week – january 29 – february 4, 2013
this calendar is super late and lame – sorry. being a volunteer teacher is hard work and when i come home i’m tired. hope this is sufficient.
tuesday january 29, 2013
- bike houston january happy hour . public house heights 2802 white oak . 5:30-7:30pm . FREE pizza . need to RSVP
- book reading, singing and film: billy lynn . domy books 1709 westheimer rd . 6:30pm . FREE
- hello kitty dance party – january naked tuesday . replay on 19th st . 7-11pm . FREE
- F.T.P. night . east side social center 4202 canal st . 7-10pm .
- book club: ismael chapter 1-6 . liberty station 2101 washington ave . 7:30pm . FREE
- horseshoe . leons lounge 1006 mcgowen . 8pm . FREE
wednesday january 30, 2013
- dance under the stars . the photobooth on montrose . 7-10pm . FREE
- in store performance: beach bones . heights vinyl . 7-8pm . FREE
- food not bombs 8pm
thursday january 31, 2013
- printmaking workshop . art league 1953 montrose . 2-6pm . FREE
- art opening: gunilla klingberg . rice gallery . 5-7pm . FREE
- magnitud/e . fotofest international . 1113 vine street . 6-9pm . FREE
- down together potluck . dt house 2101 winbern st . 7- 11pm . FREE
- art opening: emergency room: galina kurlat . rice university sewall hall . 7-10pm . FREE
- PSP houston monthly cop watch . the real school 2805 witicha . 9:30pm . FREE
friday february 1, 2013
- art opening + reception . community artists collective 1413 holman . 6pm . FREE
- art opening + reception . darke gallery 320B . 6pm . FREE
- art opening + reception . east end studio gallery 708 C telephone rd . 6pm . FREE
- flouride free houston potluck and film screening . the real school 2805 wichita . 7-9pm . FREE
- art opening + reception . caroline collective 4820 caroline st . 7pm . FREE
- food not bombs 8pm
saturday february 2, 2013
- east side social center all day work party . ESSC 4202 canal st . 11am – 8pm . FREE
- lecture: compost and soil preparation . wabash antiques & feed 5701 washington ave . 1:30pm . FREE
sunday february 3, 2013
- re-market brainstorming . greeni recycling 3210 commerce . 5pm . FREE
- food not bombs 7pm
monday february 4, 2013
- food not bombs 8pm
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