jamaica: part 2
jamaica post #2. where to even begin, somedays it feels like i’m still there – while others i almost forget i even went. the people pictures below are from mayfield falls – similar to dunns river falls – but way less touristy. i didn’t take my camera through the falls but let me just tell you – the water was beautiful and FREEZING and i swam through a little baby totally underwater tunnel and jumped off this rickety little platform nailed to a tree about 15 feet up. and those are our tour guides: cody and sheldon.
this was lunch on day: peas (beans) and rice, cabbage salad, and french fries. a mix of the three vegetarian items on the menu.
it was a study abroad program with my CATHOLIC university and since i’m a practicing catholic – i went to church while in jamaica. i love going to church while on vacation – i’ve been to mass in over a dozen other states/countries. with out realizing it – my professor volunteered me to do one of the readings.
we walked 15 minutes in the 1:30pm sun on afternoon to this rasta-raunt just to see that it was closed. but we went back the next day – totally vegetarian so you know i was excited.
here are some pictures from the week i spent teaching in the Lucea schools. i probably wasn’t supposed to take pictures of the kids – but everytime i real teacher left the room i snapped a few. these are from a first grade class. the ratio, until i got there, was i teacher: 32 kids. there was no air conditioning and it you forgot your pencil or broke it – too bad. there school was too poor to even provide those.
i let some of my first graders take pictures, hince this diagonal shot and the gang (?) sings below.