dena’s back in houston: the whole story
in lou of a monday morning events calendar: i’ve been putting this post off for a week now, guess it’s time i tell the whole story. so i was on a bike trip, ride for the future 2013 and was riding in a team of 7 from new orleans to houston. last saturday we were riding from the small community of fordoche towards opelousas. we were about 1/3 through the tour (almost 300 miles in) and riding down highway 190. there was 43 miles in-between this town and the next and we were aiming at getting there by 11am, we were riding about 11 mph due to all the cargo and trailers we ride with. since there were 7 of us, we ride on state highways, riding in a line 2 by 2 with on partner-less guy in the middle on the right lane. i told the group the day before that i didn’t feel comfortable riding on the outside and preferred the spot closer to the shoulder, i also liked riding the the front half of the group. from 6-10am i had been riding on the right side in the front but at out last water break had traded out my trailer with a team mate and resorted to the very back left side. and all i remember was that the last thing i said was: “and everyone at my co-op cooks vegetarian meals” and then it was like crash dummy air bag test video, i started screaming and cussing and rolling. turns out i had been hit by a pick up truck going 60mph.
so here is me with road rash that ripped my expensive bike shorts up. sorry if this picture is inappropriate but i just really want to show off how bad it was. the wreck also somehow knocked my shoes off and wore a hole in my sock.
i know it looks like i’m having fun in these pictures – but if you know me in real life you know how i can turn that smile on and off in a wink. truth is the adrenaline was keeping me from feeling much pain. from the scene of the wreck i got taken away in an ambulance, i knew nothing was broken but seeing that i couldn’t ride my bike much of anywhere and didn’t know anyone with a car near by it looked like my only mode of transportation. i was making so many jokes with the cops and nurses – from another perspective i probably looked dopey and drunk – but i wasn’t, just in shock.
on to the “trama” section of the ER. the worst part was getting an Iv put in my hand, i had just watched trainspotting an made an off color heroin joke – seriously dena?
everyone said my bike was bad, but i really didn’t know what to expect. turns out the back half pretty much got run over. like, the read triangle (which should incase the back wheel) got bent at 90 degrees – and the back wheel pretty much looks like a giant body builder grabbed it by both hands and bent it across his knee. and the rear rack chris lent me got flattened too, but not broken. miracle. oh and lastly, a few days prior i splurged and bought a new $70 shimano derailleur – which got run over as well. whamp whamp.
here is a picture of my road rash – any less zoomed in and you’d realize it was my butt. it’s still healing (1+ week later) mostly scabs, less oozing but still bruised. in fact i can still only sleep on my right side – and sitting on the floor is pretty painful. i am so lucky to be alive and not physically or mentally injured; the fact that i’m alive probably means the rest of the trip wasn’t ment to be – but since i survived, i sure am ment to do something.
Thanks for sharing this terrifying yet everything-ok-in-the-end life event!
Soo, soo glad that your bum saved you. And I am pretty sure you are ment to blog in ways that others don’t…like getting hit by a truck going 60. Cool points for this adventure? 10.
Thank God you’re alive!!! I talked w/your mom just yesterday & she told me about the accident. You’re very blessed to be alive! I hope your bo-bo heals quickly!
Oh my goodness. I’ve been waiting for the details behind the ever-so-calm voicemail you left me when you were in the ER. Def worth the wait. YIKES! So did the truck driver stop? Did he get a ticket? Was he texting while driving? Was it a he? Inquiring minds want to know the answers.
Thanks for sharing your blog link. I am so glad you are ok. You are so lucky to be alive . Take care and best to you in healing.