heredia, Costa Rica
1. Bus ride from San Jose to Heredia. I figured it out alone and with my BIG backpack // 2. Guess who I ran into at the market // 3. I keep wanting strawberry and keep getting tricked into bubblegum. Blehhh // 4. Yay Catholicism // 5. Spent the afternoon in San Jose together. This sign. Ok, no // 6. Just kind if didn’t want typical Costa Rican food for dinner. Thanks Pizza Ciao // 7. Drawing in the plaza day one // 8. Drawing in the park a few days later // 9. Didn’t mean to order two corn based things for dinner. And yes, those are the corn husks that mysteriously disappeared from my bedroom floor the next morning // 10. This park is filled, everyday, with a group of practicing cheerleads on one side – some break dancers a few meters over – and then circus (unicycle, jugglers, acrobats) across the sidewalk
Fresa por favor, no chicle raspa! lol, same in any language!
Well maybe everyone here serves strawberry flavored gum, because I asked both of the guys (different stands/ different days) “Fresa?” And they both smiled and said “si” and then both gave me bubblegum flavor. So, who knows!