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heredia, Costa Rica

2013 December 29
by dena











1. Bus ride from San Jose to Heredia. I figured it out alone and with my BIG backpack // 2. Guess who I ran into at the market // 3. I keep wanting strawberry and keep getting tricked into bubblegum. Blehhh // 4. Yay Catholicism // 5. Spent the afternoon in San Jose together. This sign. Ok, no // 6. Just kind if didn’t want typical Costa Rican food for dinner. Thanks Pizza Ciao // 7. Drawing in the plaza day one // 8. Drawing in the park a few days later // 9. Didn’t mean to order two corn based things for dinner. And yes, those are the corn husks that mysteriously disappeared from my bedroom floor the next morning // 10. This park is filled, everyday, with a group of practicing cheerleads on one side – some break dancers a few meters over – and then circus (unicycle, jugglers, acrobats) across the sidewalk

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Sandy Douglass Abalos permalink
    December 29, 2013

    Fresa por favor, no chicle raspa! lol, same in any language!

  2. Dena permalink
    December 30, 2013

    Well maybe everyone here serves strawberry flavored gum, because I asked both of the guys (different stands/ different days) “Fresa?” And they both smiled and said “si” and then both gave me bubblegum flavor. So, who knows!

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