eureka springs: day 1: museum day
its not that i forgot about the events calendar these past two weeks, more like i’ve been on vacation from school and so umm literally taking a vacation. i drove to dallas saturday to meet tony at his parents house. from there we drove north east to eureka springs arkansas. so far we freakin love it here. so so liberal and cool and pretty. and blah blah. today, day one, was MUSEUM DAY. it was below freezing when we headed out, hence the frost. we went to crystal bridges (an american art museum funded and collected by one of the walmart kids) then we took a little break for vietnamese food. next the original “walmart” / walton museum. we drove through eureka springs as the sun set, had hard cider and chips/salsa for dinner while talking with our air b and b host. now it’s netflix time.
you are an awesome photographer, love the frosty trees….can you photo-shop out the wires?