houston events calendar: may 11 – 17, 2015
2015 May 10
monday may 11, 2015:
- houston urban gardeners meeting: what the plant & do now . NEW LOCATION moody park community center 3725 fulton st . 6:30pm . FREE (YAY i’ll be there!)
tuesday may 12, 2015:
- yoga . discovery green . 6:30pm . FREE (if it’s not raining i’ll be biking there!)
wednesday may 13, 2015:
- humm…..
thursday may 14, 2015:
- architecture center hoston walking tour: houston heights bicycle tour . heights neighborhood library . 6pm . $10 + RSVP + BYOBike
- blanket bingo . market square park . 6-9pm . $10
- music: shinyribs // wrenfro . discovery green . 6:30pm . FREE
- breath: the pulse of the universe . rothko chapel . 7pm . $10 suggested donation
friday may 15, 2015:
- food revolution day potluck . last organic outpost 711 emile st . 4-8pm . FREE + bring something to share
- cactus instore: the zuni mountian boys . cactus music . 5:30pm . FREE
- dinner and bikes houston 2015 . 3211 harrisburg . 7-10pm . FREE (went to this a few years ago and it was way cool!)
saturday may 16, 2015:
- yoga . discovery green . 9am . FREE
- architecture center houston walking tour: buffalo bayou . meet at NE corner of market square park . 10am . $10
- cactus instore: kevin sekhani . cactus music . 1pm . FREE
- poetry reading: eileen myles . CAMH . 2-3pm . FREE
- migrations + movement (art + music show). apartment: 606 gulfton #1909 77081 . 3-6pm . FREE
- screening: parks and rec marathon . discovery green . 8:45pm . FREE
sunday may 17, 2015:
- sunday streets: navigation btwn jensen + lockwood . 11-3pm . FREE
- houston makerspace welcome back bithday bash . 3605 texas . 12noon – 6pm . FREE
- presentation and panel discussion: “pow wow: contemporary artists working in houston, 1972 – 1985” . glassell school of art . 2-4pm . FREE
on going events this week:
- i don’t wanna you can’t make me (bootown BIG benshi show) . orange show (this week) . friday // saturday / $15 pre sale
- rice village food and wine festival . FREE samples all over the village
- ballet: giselle . miller outdoor theatre . friday // saturday // sunday . 8pm . FREE
- galveston beach revue (that festival where all the girls dress in 1920s/1930 pin up bathing suits!) friday at 6pm // saturday at 12noon . FREE (it’s outside the loop, but if you’ve been wanting to go to galveston … now your weekend)
- houston zombie walk . house of blues
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