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houston events calendar: december 7 – 13, 2015

2015 December 6
by dena

houston events calendar december 7 through 13 2015the middle of the week is kinda lame but holy holy friday and saturday are packed! i’m sure i’ll see you at at least one thing this weekend. also this week is december 7-13th so yay houston. lastly – i’m moving out of the house i share with 2 roommates to a one bedroom apartment – so by forever fave room!

monday december 7, 2015:

tuesday december 8, 2015:

  • two step tuesdays . discovery green . 6-10pm . FREE (mak + nick … what?)
  • comedy: open mic . boondocks . 9pm . FREE (?)
  • makenzie + fave boy in that houston band we like – want to go for $2 margaritas at el real. new plan – boy or no boy me + makenzie will be there!

wednesday december 9, 2015:

  • music: kermt ruffins . axelrad 1517 alabama . 6-10pm . FREE (i went last week for femmefest and what the heck – such a cool place. if you haven’t gone yet check it out)

thursday december 10, 2015:

friday december 11, 2015:

saturday december 12, 2015:

sunday december 13, 2015:

  • HTX bike rest 4 . market square park . 10am – 6pm . FREE
  • sock hop sundays (2nd sunday of the month) . barbarellas . 9pm . FREE until 10pm, then $5 (I;m so freakin excited about this – who even cares if it’s on a school night. i’ll be a black hole doing this dang calendar and then heading over after!!!)

on going events this week:


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