houston events calendar: november 22 – 28, 2021

wow, hello. it’s literally been years, but it’s late on a sunday night and i’m here typing into a wordpress draft with a million tabs open and i must say, it feels real good to be back. nick was really feeling the need for a tool – like this here events calendar – to help him get reintegrated into society post COVID and i was happy to share this platform with him. he’s out of town for thanksgiving, doing california things with his bff marli and her family so here i am, right back where it all started back in may of 2012. that was nine years ago, the future really DOES have an ancient heart! anyway. enjoy the days off this week, and possibly the time with family – or better yet, chosen houston family. if you find yourself free and wanting to be social, you’re welcome in advance:
monday november 22, 2021
- Jazz on the patio: bob henschen trio . avant garden .
tuesday november 23, 2021
- core focused yoga . discovery green . 6:30pm – 7:30pm . FREE – incase you want to get some YOU time in before the holiday week gets going
- killin’ time country vinyl night presents two step lessons !!!!!! followed by a dj set . two headed dog . 8pm . send then a DM on instagram to reserve your spot
- harry styles + jenny lewis (i honestly know nothing about him, but i know lots of other people love him. so if you’re going to this – i bet you’re so excited!) (but i will say, one time in high school i saw jenny lewis play at numbers and i had read in a houston press article that her favorite breakfast cereal was Pops and threw a little box of it on stage and she loved it. so that was fun) . toyota center . 8pm . $$$
wednesday november 24, 2021
- wellness walk . meet at 105 sabine st. at buffalo bayou park . 6:30pm . FREE
thursday november 25, 2012
- hope you’re able to enjoy at least something about today, i know holidays can be hard for so many people
- VIRTUAL thanks giving flow . yogalina w/ carolina vennie . 9:30am . FREE
friday november 26, 2021
- honeychild’s grand opening . honey child sweet creams . MKT 600 n shepherd #450 . 12noon – 3pm . FREE
- thing a ma jingle: on main street . main street market 901 main st. . 5pm . FREE
- BLCK market . buffalo soldiers museum . 6pm . FREE
- femme talent . avant garden . $
saturday november 27, 2021
- sound healing meditation in the cistern . buffalo bayou cistern . 10am . $15
- east end flea: vendors, beer, food, music . 1318 telephone rd . 12noon – 5pm . FREE
- BLCK market . buffalo soldiers museum . 1pm . FREE
- flea by night . discovery green . 6pm . FREE
- art opening receptions: rebeca drolen // sean johnston // justin parr . galvston arts center . 6-9pm . FREE
- the fab four in concert . bayou city music center . 8pm . $$ . since there will be no Beetle at the continental club this thursday, here’s a substitute
- benefit show: art in support of alex sterling . cardoza gallery . 803 William #2 77002 . FREE
sunday november 28, 2021
- jazzy sundays in the park: crystal thomas . the water works at buffalo bayou park . 4-6pm . FREE
on going events this week:
- holiday market: jardin . 2608 dunlavy (next to brasil) . friday – sunday . 11am – 7pm, and festivities saturday 4-7pm . FREE
- play: 4.48 phychosis . match . november 19 – december 12 . $ what you can
- 15th annual deck the trees celebration . avenida de las americas at george r brown . november 22-24 . FREE – look at these next time you go ice skating
- lightscape . houston botanic gardens . Nov 24/25/26 . $
- asher gallery holiday pop-up . houston center for contemporary craft . 11/28-30 10am . FREE
- moonstruck drive in cinema . it’s nice outside, go enjoy a drive in movie!
- ice skating . discovery green . november 12 – january 30 . $ . i LOVE ice skating so so much
nick – if you’re reading this, you made it. you win, HA! thanks for letting me fill in this week, i forgot how fulfilling it is – i love this city so much. AND i finally reread all of last week’s shout outs and the czech opera, surprise – my parents were there!
Bob Henschen Trio (jazz) is playing at Avant Garden tonight, Monday, 7-9:30 pm, no cover 🙂